Visit Us For Dental Veneers in Encino

Dental Veneers in EncinoWe provide dental veneers in Encino for those looking to improve the appearance of their teeth or correct damaged ones. Dental veneers are a simple, straightforward solution to correcting many problems with teeth. They are definitely not a fancy solution, but they do have the ability to take the place of enamel that has been worn out, broken, or chipped. Made of a piece of ultra-thin porcelain, veneers are fitted onto the teeth in the place of the enamel, which is often paired down to make room for them. Since they have to take the place of enamel, dental veneers have many of the same qualities as the real thing. Enamel is extremely hard while also being extremely brittle. Similarly, veneers are hard enough to withstand the rigors of a normal diet, at the same time they are brittle so overextending them by doing things like opening bags of chips could result in them getting chipped.

Dental veneers, when installed perform two vital functions for the tooth. First they add esthetic value. When a tooth is damaged it takes away from the perfect smile, which can be restored by using this solution. By correcting the damage, the veneer acts to improve the tooth itself. Secondly when the tooth has experienced some level of damage, the veneer can be used to prevent it from spreading along with preventing an infection while giving the tooth strength and resilience.

As dental veneers are becoming more popular, there are a lot of questions about them. People want to know how long they will last and what kind of an impact having dental veneers will have on their lives.  As a provider of dental veneers in Encino, we encourage you to schedule an appointment to ask questions but here is what you should know in the meantime.

How will dental veneers impact my life?

Typically dental veneers will have no impact on your lifestyle whatsoever. This is because they are designed specifically to fit, look, and feel like your own enamel and hence when you have had a veneer placed, your teeth will feel exactly like they always did. Additionally, veneers do not require special maintenance, which means when you clean your teeth using a normal oral hygiene routine, you will also be cleaning the veneers. There is only one restriction we ask that you consider when it comes to diet. Since veneers do not stain, you will want to be cautious about eating or drinking things that can stain the teeth around the veneer. If you are not cautious, you could end up with veneers that are whiter than the teeth around it.  If this happens, we can whiten your teeth in order to improve the appearance of your smile.

How long do dental veneers last?

As a provider of dental veneers in Encino, there is no way to accurately pinpoint how long they will last. This is because there are too many variables, like you mouth changing or being affected by gum disease. What we can tell you is that a dental veneer is designed to last for a very long time. With proper hygiene habits and if you take good care of your teeth, and hence by extension your veneers, the device can last anywhere from seven to thirty years. Good habits, oral hygiene, and protecting your teeth from abuse are all ways to increase the longevity of your veneers.
