Let us Help You Plan for Your Future

General DentistAs a local general dentist, we work with patients of all ages and can help you to create a dental care plan that will keep you healthy as you age.  The older you get, the more important it is to take care of your teeth just like it is necessary to spend additional time focused on your physical health.  Just as your bones can weaken due to osteoporosis, your teeth can become brittle as well.  As such, older people have an increased risk of cavities and tooth loss.  This is often due to similar reasons such as a lack of calcium during pregnancy. There are, however, things that you can do in order to ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong as you age.

Here is what we recommend:

  • Have your teeth cleaned.  It is important to continue to have your teeth cleaned at least twice a year as you get older.  This allows us to remove bacteria, plaque and tartar while looking for signs of infection.  If we see a cavity or infection, we can treat it before the condition spreads, creating further discomfort and health issues. 
  • Brush with fluoride.  As you age, the enamel on the outside of your teeth can start to wear away.  This is a natural process that can lead to sensitive teeth.  The enamel is the strong outer layer and underneath is porous and sensitive dentine.  In order to help preserve the enamel, we recommend brushing with a toothpaste that contains fluoride or scheduling a fluoride treatment.  As a general dentist, this is a procedure that we tend to perform on children that can help adults as well. 
  • Skip acidic foods.  Foods that are high in acid like lemons, limes, and sour candies are terrible for your teeth. The acid will start to attack your teeth, leading to erosion that in turn creates sensitive teeth. Avoid acid in order to keep your teeth stronger. 
  • Make sure that the fit is right. As you age, the shape of your palate and jaw can start to change.  If you have experienced any tooth loss, the risk of this is only increased.  It is wise to replace any teeth that you have lost in order to prevent this problem.  If, however, you do have movement or a change in shape, it is important to ensure that any dentures you wear, or oral appliances, continue to fit appropriately. If your retainer or dentures stop fitting correctly, they can begin to irritate your gums, cause swelling and discomfort.  Bring your oral appliances with you to your dental exam so that we can ensure the fit is still correct. 
  • Drink more water.  It is important to stay hydrated so that you can avoid a common condition that occurs in old age – dry mouth.  This is often why the elderly have difficulty with bad breath because when the body doesn’t produce enough saliva, the mouth becomes stale as any food particles or bacteria cannot be washed away as it should.  By increasing your water intake, you can combat the effects of this condition. 

As a general dentist, we can help you to stay healthy both now and in the future.  For more information, call and schedule an appointment.
